So after 14 long, sunshine filled years we said goodbye to our beloved Mr. Pillows. It was his time and I feel lucky to have been blessed with such an amazing friend and companion. Mr. Pillows (Indy) was, and will forever be my most loyal buddy. He was always concerned about my feelings and needed to know that I was okay. Since he was little he would look at me with his inquisitive eyes that just eluded his love for me. He would climb on my lap and nuzzle in, as if to say...I'm yours and you are mine. I never really thought I could love a non-human so, so much. With him it was easy, the unspoken love was what filled up my broken heart. He was always the first one to greet me as I walked in the door, and I know he would follow me to the ends of the earth.

The past week has been one of the most difficult for me. My heart feels heavy and empty without him here. I feel as if I am in a dream and I keep waiting for his bark to wake me so he can get his breakfast. I keep walking out to the deck where the sunshine falls like a blanket all around you, this was his favorite spot. It is hard for me to go out there and not see him. I find my eyes well up and start to overflow as I look around and remember he is no longer with me. I know time will help, but I hope he is soaking up the sun and filling his belly with his favorite peanut butter treats and watching over me.
Love always M.P. Indiana "Mr. Pillows", my sunshine guy. 1998-2012
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